
Friday, April 8, 2011

Check Out That Blur Baby!

WooHoo! I got my Nikon 50mm f/1.8D lens yesterday! I really went back and forth on if I should go with the 35mm or the 50mm. On my D90 the 35 is like a 50 and the 50 is like a 75. I really couldn't decide. It was a toss up. I ended up with the 50mm for two main reasons. First, the 35mm is kinda hard to find! I think they might not make it right now? I'm not sure. Second the 50mm was only $130. I know, I know, that is a really crappy reason to decide on one over the other but I didn't know what to choose so there you go.

I've only had a few hours this morning to play with it but man is it different than my zoom! First of all it is a lot more work! Because of the 1.8 aperture its tricky to get the exact DOF that I want. To much, to little. And a lot more walking back a forth! The one thing that's effecting me the most is to zoom level. I look at something, think "Oh! I want to take that picture!" Then I have to take four big steps back. It's great for close ups but kinda sucks for full lengths.

But man oh man, how I do love the sweet, sweet blur. I've always been a huge fan of a narrow depth of field and was really missing that with my zoom. Its taking some time to get use to it though. I have a couple of pictures that would be awesome if the focus hadn't been a little off.

Anywho, here are a few shots from this morning!

50mm park tests 006 50mm park tests 046 50mm park tests 063 50mm park tests 049 50mm park tests 069 50mm park tests 074 50mm park tests 083

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Heart Faces: Best Face of March

I haven't done a I Heart Faces in a couple weeks but I knew exactly what picture I wanted to use this week! This is from a session of my niece Ivy. I mean, how can you not love that face! Any way make sure to click the box at the bottom to see more awesome entries and vote for mine, #196!

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