
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

And Oh Yeah!

I got some business cards too! Check 'em out

Monday, October 17, 2011

Holy Wow, My Bad

So it been quite a while huh. My bad. Not that anyone REALLY reads this, but still.

A lot has happened sence April. I quit my job at the photography studio, which I will now say was Portrait Innovations. I quit with the intent of working for BellaBaby taking newborn pictures in hospitals. That didn't happen. Insted I got a job working in admissions at a career college. I got fired, long story, and now I'm unemployed.

On the photography front, its not going so good. I've had a job. Just so this isn't a compleatly boring blog, here are some pics from that.

dee and jada 080 3 dee and jada 067 dee and jada 118

dee and jada 011

I think they turned out pretty good! I did a second shooter job for a wedding photographer. I thought it went well, but after several emails with no feedback, I gave up. I never even got to see the pictures from that :( I did a porfollio building shoot with a couple that turned out relly good too. (BTW, these events are in no order at all) Here's some pics from that.
eric-and-carrie-017-2 eric-and-carrie-009 eric-and-carrie-055-2 eric-and-carrie-049 So as of right now I'm unemployed with no photography work on the side either. I've had a couple of interviews over the last couple days, but all with retail sales. I know I'll get something, just not something I'll love. I'm also going to start working for a nursing degree, but that is going to take 5 years. I'm thinking about starting a blog for that too. So just one last pic. I actually took this of my son while at a fair type thing. Didn't think it would be anything special but it turned out to be one of my all time favs. Enjoy :) Purina Day 2011 021 2