
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Edit indecision

What is wrong with me? Why can't I just make a decision? I do my editing, make it look good. I'm happy with the result. Then I start playing around. *sigh* I just can't decide. I know there is something to having a well exposed and corectly edited photo. But look how cool the one on the right looks! What to do, what to do...


  1. The photo on the right has a more vintage feel about it which I really, really like. It suits this photo very well. But it's such a lovely photo that the photo on the left also works. I don't think you could go wrong either way. Nice flare capture.

  2. I really enjoy both of them but I agree with Cynthia about the photo on the right. Great work!

    I'm new to blogger btw. First comment ever. :)

  3. I love the vintage edit. I am liking your blog, neat idea :)
